This map is from the survey. Note that the property is on the road at the point where Rio El Nance intersects the road.
Watch for this sign on the right hand side of the road. This is the entrance to the property. Note the bridge. You will park your car directly behind this sign. This river makes up the boundary of the property for about 1km. Enter through a primative gate at this point.
This is the survey map of the entire 39.6 hects. Note the road frontage in the upper left corner. The gate is located at the north end of the frontage, just before the bridge. When you enter the property,you will be in the section of the property called "Globo C" (6 hects) This is the Section that contains flat pasture, bordered by a creek that flows into El Nance. This section also slopes dramatically, creating fantastic views of the entire area. (See photos) Notice there is a leveled plateau which is a former logging road.
Globo C
Note: Rancho Tranquilo is a massive, multi-faceted property with features too numerous to mention in this format. As the owner, I have spent several days hiking all over this property and still continue to discover new facets. I have yet to fully understand it's entirity. To truly get a complete picture of this property a potential buyer should spend several hours hiking the property. Ideally, the most effective way to sell the property is to physically hike the property. I encourage anyone interested in this propertyto spend enough time to grasp the enormous potential. I am available to answer any question regarding the property. Please contact me for more information.
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